How many emails and what kind of emails can I send with OxiMailing ?
You have two offers that can be complementary:
a) On-demand credit
The principle is simple: you buy the email credits you need. These credits are immediately available and have an unlimited validity period ( on the condition that your account remains active, i.e. at least one purchase every 12 months, regardless of the amount).
b) Subscription plans
You choose the number of emails you want to send during the month and choose the corresponding annual subscription.
You can also combine the two options, i.e. purchase a subscription and, if necessary, buy on-demand credit for periods during which the subscription alone is not enough.
You can consult the OxiMailing offer on this page:
The rules to follow to use our sending platform:
To be able to use our servers, your address files must be sufficiently qualified, and your messages must comply perfectly with the legislation (no spam here!).
In order to ensure an impeccable quality of service, we constantly monitor activity on our servers and do not hesitate to suspend access to indelicate or high-risk users if necessary. By "indelicate or risky users", we mean all those who present a risk of excessive saturation and/or blacklisting of our servers:
- any user who practices spam, in particular by using stolen files or files built via online address extractors (perfectly illegal practice),
- any user who has received repeated and justified complaints from its recipients,
- any user who sends emails with illegal, suspicious or sensitive content because they generate systematic blacklisting. For example: pyramid selling, gambling, advertising for radar detectors, psychics...
- any user who sends messages of a racist, pornographic, defamatory or other nature...
- everything would be used to transmit "hoax" messages and web scams