The 10 fundamental tips to make an emailing in the rules of the art.
1. Comply with the legislation on e-mailing
Before you start and to avoid any inconvenience, read the applicable legislation.
Read the following articles:
What is the applicable legislation on address files?
Warning on aspiration / email capture software
Is the OxiMailing platform compatible with the GDPR?
2. Inform your recipients
Let your recipients know why they are receiving your message, in other words, how you got their addresses.
Use the following article: How can I prevent my recipients from reporting my message as spam?
3. Insert an unsubscribe link
Always insert an unsubscribe link and carefully consider unsubscribe requests (by default, they are automatically managed by OxiMailing).
Use the following article: In a message, how to insert an unsubscribe link?
4. Optimize your message
Optimize your message to avoid being classified as spam.
Use the following article: How can I prevent my messages from falling into spam folder or being blocked by anti-spam?
5. Optimize your HTML code
Ban javascript code, flash, frames and forms in your messages.
Can forms (or frames) be integrated into emails?
6. Do not use Microsoft Word to build your message
Use a real HTML editor to write your messages, like the one included in OxiMailing. Indeed, some editors such as Microsoft Word generate non-standard HTML code that can cause problems when displaying your message to your recipients.
Can I use an HTML page generated by Word or Publisher as a message?
7. Host your documents (images, attachments,...)
Host the images and attachments that compose your message on the web.
Dans un message, comment ajouter une image ?
8. Test your message
Before launching your campaign, first send yourself a copy of the email and make sure that the message is displayed correctly, that the images are displayed correctly and that the links work.
Also remember to test it via the antispam analysis integrated in the solution.
9. Optimize your sendings
Follow our recommendations in terms of the number of emails that can be sent.
How many emails and what kind of emails can I send with OxiMailing ?
10. Check your addresses file
Your e-mail address file must be legally constituted. Only import from your address books contacts with whom you are in contact and who have requested your messages.
In some cases, it may be appropriate to remove certain generic domains from your address file if you are prospecting for professionals.