Can I use OxiMailing to send emails with attachments?

Yes, this is quite possible, you can even send personalized attachments with OxiMailing.
But in reality, it's not really recommended. Let's say that this solution remains suitable for campaigns not exceeding a few hundred recipients.

Indeed, the problem is the same as with integrated images. Attachments can significantly increase the size of the message, and therefore the duration of sending. In addition, an email that is too big can annoy your recipients because they are likely to overload their mailboxes. Finally, it should be noted that spam filters are generally more severe with emails containing attachments.

Avoid attached files as much as possible, especially if they are pdf or word files and especially if your message contains little text. Instead, drop your files on a web server or your OxiMailing cloud space and put download links in your email. By doing this, you reduce the weight of the message and the duration of the sending. And another significant advantage, you will know from tracking, which has downloaded the file (while you can't know who opened an attachment).

For more information:

Add an attachment
How do I send a file to the recipients of my message without attaching it?

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